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  发布时间:2023/12/3 媒体上刊热线:13910027984(微信同)

曼谷帝国大厦LED广告牌位于泰国曼谷沙吞商业区,是曼谷最高的建筑,高达82层,周围都是泰国顶级写字楼和各大银行,也是泰国曼谷最高的建筑之一。 泰国的打卡圣地。

The Bangkok EMPIRE Tower Empire State Building LED Billboard Advertising located in the Sathon business district of Bangkok, Thailand, the tallest building in Bangkok, up to the 82nd floor, is surrounded by top office buildings and major banks in Thailand, and is also one of the holy places for punching in Thailand.
北京宏业凯广告有限公司,Redhot media international(China) Limited 
联系电话: 010-85590199,13910027984(微信同号) 王先生
