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  发布时间:2024/4/18 媒体上刊热线:13910027984(微信同)

这些战略性定位的广告牌位于迪拜最重要的道路沿线,即谢赫·扎耶德路(Sheikh Zayed Road),从黄金大道(Golden Boulevard)和世贸中心(World Trade Centre)一直到6号交汇处。吸引行人和司机的眼球。

These strategically positioned billboards are placed along the most important road in Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road from theGolden Boulevard and the World Trade Centre all the way to Interchange 6. Eye-catching for both pedestrians and drivers, our unipoles are hugely impactful due to their sheer size and large proportions allowing your message to been seen clearly and vividly.
We take pride in our portfolio; the levelof quality can be seen with our best-in-class double-sided printing and thelatest LED illumination technology to ensure the quality shines through.
北京宏业凯广告有限公司,Redhot media international(China) Limited 
联系电话: 010-85590199,13910027984(微信同号) 王先生
